I went on the Plain after my trips to Sri Lanka in January and Iceland in January and February. The trip to Sri Lanka was an AOS organised trip and we all saw the total number of endemics (24) plus many others. In Iceland there was a juvenile White-tailed Eagle and a Brunnich's Guillemot. I have also bought a new car that is not a 4x4. The large exercise created quite a bit of damage to the tracks so I was very careful where I travelled. There were lots of soldiers about the Plain with most woods occupied. There were a few Fieldfares still about with some Starlings mixed in. There were plenty of singing Great and Blue Tits as well as Robins. A Blackbird was out of the wind. The Crows and Jackdaws made the wind look insignifcant as they flew about. A puddle did contain Fairy Shrimps as well. It was a nice walk with singing Skylarks on the slopes. Last year I saw 199 birds in the UK. This year I have seen 71 in UK but my list for the year is already 348 (a few more than the total for the whole of last year). The Coronavirus might put my birdwatching on hold.
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