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The Adjutant 2024 - Call for Articles
Articles for this year's edition of The Adjutant should be submitted by no later than Saturday 14 December 2024.
Text should be submitted in Microsoft Word format with accompanying images, preferably in JPEG format, submitted separately, ie not embedded in the text document. Any issues with the requested formats should be discussed with Hon Editor before submission.
Contact details for the Hon Editor were given in last year’s edition and are also available via the AOS Facebook Group.
Thank you.
CommentsBirders, Deployed
The AOS is delighted to be featured in the February edition of Bird Watching magazine in Amanda Tuke’s 30-Minute Birder column in which our Hon Sec, Maj Richard Seargent, talks about some his birding experiences whilst on deployment.
The article also features stories from our sister service organisations, the RNBWS and the RAFOS.
If you’re not a Bird Watching subscriber then be sure to pick up your copy, which is out now!
CommentsWebsite Maintenance - 3 Sep 21 - Completed
Website maintenance was conducted today, Fri 3 Sep 21, and has now been completed.
The two key changes that users will notice are as follows.
- Forum - The forum functionality has been removed and it has been replaced with a static read-only copy so that the historic reports can still be viewed.
- Gallery - The gallery has been removed in its entirety and the Flickr site will be closed soon.
All other changes are "under the bonnet".
If any users identify any issues during use then please let Site Admin know using the usual channels.
Thank you.
CommentsThe Adjutant 2018 & 2019
The 2018 and 2019 editions of The Adjutant (Volumes 39 and 40 respectively) are now available publicly on the AOS website.
CommentsMore Birds Than Bullets
Geoffrey McMullan's new book More Birds Than Bullets is released on 30 January 2020.
AOS members may find it interesting as it includes details of Geoffrey's adventures with the society.
More details about the book, including pre-order options, can be found at the More Birds Than Bullets website.
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