AOS Membership
The Army Ornithological Society (AOS) provides the Army's focal point for ornithological issues by getting involved in conservation work, bird counts and other MOD and civilian schemes through field trips, overseas expeditions and even scientific studies. From straight forward bird watching at home, to help with overseas and UK-wide bird expeditions and surveys, AOS members are involved at all levels across a wide range of activities. Recently they have coordinated surveys for a major Whinchat project on Salisbury Plain, provided the data for the BTO Atlas for northern Jura and have contributed to the understanding of bird migration and distribution in parts of Afghanistan.
Membership is open to serving and ex-Army personnel, other Services and their families, MOD employed civil servants and members of the Commonwealth Forces. The AOS is keen to recruit more serving soldiers and officers of the Regular Army and the Army Reserve. Whether just starting out or with a detailed knowledge of birds, the Society welcomes all to its ranks and makes a point of developing interest through practical field activities. Future events include weekend and day trips in UK, a bird watching trip to Lesvos and an expedition to Ascension Island.
Membership is currently £8 per year. On joining you will receive more information about the Society and a copy of our annual journal ‘The Adjutant’.
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