What we do
Our Work
The Army Ornithological Society (AOS) is, first and foremost, a bird club with a difference, while providing a focal point within the Army for ornithological issues. It welcomes and values everyone with an interest in birds, whether a casual bird watcher or someone who likes to make their bird... read more
Many AOS members travel far and wide either by dint of their employment or when on R&R. Herewith a selection of reports giving details of both formal AOS expeditions and individual members' personal trips. Gibraltar - Joint Service Ringing Expedition 28 September - 23 October 2013 ... read more
Ascension Island
Our Work on Ascension Island British military ornithological societies have monitored the colony of Sooty Terns Onychoprion fuscatus and other seabirds on Ascension Island in the South Atlantic since 1987. The first population census was completed in 1990 ten years prior to the commencement of the... read more
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